Example 9: Rectangular pixelsΒΆ

This sample script showcases the use of the NmtField class for maps with rectangular pixellization.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pymaster as nmt
from astropy.io import fits
from astropy.wcs import WCS

# This script showcases the use of the NaMaster to compute power spectra
# for curved-sky fields with rectangular pixelization.
# Note that NaMaster does not support any kind of rectangular pixellization.
# The specific kind supported is pixels defined using the CAR (Plate-Carree)
# projection and with Clenshaw-Curtis weights (i.e. the WCS reference pixel
# must lie on the equator, and the full latitude range must be divided
# exactly into pixels, with one pixel centre at both poles.

# Fields with rectangular pixelization are created from a WCS object that
# defines the geometry of the map.
hdul = fits.open("benchmarks/msk_car.fits")
wcs = WCS(hdul[0].header)

# Read input maps
# a) Read mask
mask = fits.open("benchmarks/msk_car.fits")[0].data
# b) Read maps
mp_t, mp_q, mp_u = fits.open("benchmarks/mps_car.fits")[0].data
# You can also read and use contaminant maps in the same fashion.
# We'll skip that step here.

# # # #  Create fields
# Create spin-0 field. Pass a WCS structure do define the rectangular pixels.
f0 = nmt.NmtField(mask, [mp_t], wcs=wcs, n_iter=0)
# Create spin-2 field
f2 = nmt.NmtField(mask, [mp_q, mp_u], wcs=wcs, n_iter=0)

# Let's check out the maps.
# First the original map
plt.title("Original map")
plt.imshow(mp_t, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower')
# Now the map processed after creating the NmtField. Note that `get_maps()`
# will return flattened maps, so you need to undo that.
plt.title("Map from NmtField")
plt.imshow(f0.get_maps().reshape([mp_t.shape[0], -1]),
           interpolation='nearest', origin='lower')
# You'll notice that, after creating the NmtField, the maps get extended
# to cover the full 2*pi azimuth range. If you want to recover the original
# map, you'll need to cut that out.
plt.title("Map from NmtField, cut")
plt.imshow(f0.get_maps().reshape([mp_t.shape[0], -1])[:, :mp_t.shape[1]],
           interpolation='nearest', origin='lower')