Example 2: BandpowersΒΆ

This sample script showcases the use of the NmtBin class to define bandpowers.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pymaster as nmt

# This script showcases the use of the NmtBin structure to define bandpowers.

# HEALPix map resolution
nside = 256

# Initialize binning scheme with bandpowers of constant width
# (4 multipoles per bin)
bin1 = nmt.NmtBin.from_nside_linear(nside, 4)

# Initialize binning scheme with custom-made bandpowers.
# In this case we simply manually choose these bandpowers to also have
# 4 multipoles per bin.
ells = np.arange(3 * nside, dtype='int32')  # Array of multipoles
weights = 0.25 * np.ones_like(ells)  # Array of weights
bpws = -1 + np.zeros_like(ells)  # Array of bandpower indices
i = 0
while 4 * (i + 1) + 2 < 3 * nside:
    bpws[4 * i + 2:4 * (i + 1) + 2] = i
    i += 1
bin2 = nmt.NmtBin(nside=nside, bpws=bpws, ells=ells, weights=weights)

# You can also control ell-weighting through NmtBins.
# E.g. to compute the usual D_ell = ell * (ell + 1) * C_ell/2/pi,
# you can use is_Dell=True
bin3 = nmt.NmtBin.from_nside_linear(nside, 4, is_Dell=True)

# At this stage bin1 and bin2 should be identical

# Array with effective multipole per bandpower
ell_eff = bin1.get_effective_ells()

# Bandpower info:
print("Bandpower info:")
print(" %d bandpowers" % (bin1.get_n_bands()))
print("The columns in the following table are:")
print(" [1]-band index, [2]-list of multipoles, "
      "[3]-list of weights, [4]=effective multipole")
for i in range(bin1.get_n_bands()):
    print(i, bin1.get_ell_list(i), bin1.get_weight_list(i), ell_eff[i])

# Binning a power spectrum
# Read the TT power spectrum
data = np.loadtxt("cls.txt", unpack=True)
ell_arr = data[0]
cl_tt = data[1]
# Bin the power spectrum into bandpowers
cl_tt_binned = bin1.bin_cell(np.array([cl_tt]))
# For bin3 we need to correct for the ell prefactor
ellfac = ell_eff * (ell_eff + 1.)/2/np.pi
dl_tt_binned = bin3.bin_cell(np.array([cl_tt]))/ellfac
# Unbin bandpowers
cl_tt_binned_unbinned = bin1.unbin_cell(cl_tt_binned)
# Plot all to see differences
plt.plot(ell_arr, cl_tt, 'r-',
         label='Original $C_\\ell$')
plt.plot(ell_eff, cl_tt_binned[0], 'g-',
         label='Binned $C_\\ell$')
plt.plot(ell_eff, dl_tt_binned[0], 'y-',
         label='Binned $D_\\ell 2\\pi/(\\ell(\\ell+1))$')
plt.plot(ell_arr, cl_tt_binned_unbinned[0], 'b-',
         label='Binned-unbinned $C_\\ell$')
plt.legend(loc='upper right', frameon=False)